Here I was concerned that I would not survive the why stage.... "why can't i see grandma and grandpa now, why do they live so far away, why can't I find them...why why why........."
Thank you to everyone who gave some advice in stumping his "whys". Now I am on to a 2year old thinking is ready to be a teen....
Connor is learning to follow directions, HOWEVER, he does it with attitude.
Example: "connor time to brush your teeth" Connor says: "K momma, 1 minute, be right there". I say "no connor, not one minute" Connor: "K momma 1 second then"....
Another common response.."I'm busy, 1 second" hmmmm not sure what he is doing but clearly he thinks he is busy!
He is also learning the art of getting someone else to do something so he doesn't get in trouble....I have heard stories at daycare but finally witnessed something similar. He is digging in the pantry looking for "treats". When I ask him what he is doing he says Finn is hungry he wants a succerball" aka sucker. I say no he is too little. His response "how about chocolate...? and me too?"