Well, if it is not one thing it is another here at the Beaty household. Finn started off with pink eye a week ago. Last sat he developed a high fever. Took him to the dr who diagnosed him with RSV: a virus that effects the respiratory system. He is doing ok, no respiratory distress and oxygenating fine. The scary part is his high fevers...one night it was 104.9! It is hard to separate mommy from nurse. The nurse in me know he will be just fine and high fever does not mean he is getting worse but the mommy in me says he doesn't feel well his fever is get g way to high...don't panick!
Connor was also sick. I was thinking he had the flu since his friend at school was diagnosed with it and he was starting to present the same way. Luckily he is fine. Chronic cough since he had croup a mo ago son they put him on antibiotics.....he is doing better.
Connor is being Finns dr and bodyguard. He was not impressed when I had to give Finn his eye drops. "mommy no! My Finn! Finn no like it! He attempted to tackle the dr when he looked into Finns ears.... Good thing the dr knows us verynwell...lol. Never underestimate a toddler and "childproof" lids. Connor thought Finn needed medicine to make him feel better. Grabbed the ibuprofen opened the lid and spilled it all over my pillow! When I asked what he was doing he said"Finn need medicine. I make him feel better"
Here's to 2011!